- Save and invest in the Defined Contribution Pension Plan (DCPP), and receive a company matching contribution.
- Save and invest in the Group Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP).
- Save and invest in the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA).
- Buy AECOM stock at a discount through the Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP).
- Consult with a Sun Life financial advisor.
- Find free retirement planning tips, calculators and more resources through Sun Life.
- Find free articles, checklists, podcasts, workshops and more to help you prepare for retirement with the GuidanceResources Employee Assistance Program (EAP). (Register with EAP Organization Web ID: AECOM. Select the Canada flag and search “retirement.”)
- Take the Money for Life Retirement Journey, a Sun Life tool, to help you get on the right path to a financially stable future.